Fenxaprop-p-ethyl 7.77% + Metribuzin 13.6% w/w EC formulation contains 77.7 g of Fenxaprop-p-ethyl an d136g of Metribuzin active ingredient per kg of formulation which is equal to 80 g of Fenxaprop-p-ethyl and 140 g of Metribuzin active ingredient per litre of formulation. Fenxaprop-p-ethyl 7.77% + Metribuzin 13.6% w/w EC is a post emergence herbicide recommended for the control of grassy and broad leaflet weeds in Wheat.
Preparation & Directions Of Use
Add slowly the required quantity of weedicide to water and stir well with a stick or rod.
While preparing large quantity of spray solution add weedicide to a bucket half filled with water stir and then empty the pre solution into the bulk of water
Dosage (Per Hectare)
wheat | 1250ml | 375ltr |